School bus magnet photo frame
First day at school is always a special memory. Make this easy DIY school bus magnet photo frame to stick to your fridge!

What you will need
- 8 Jumbo craft sticks
- Paint – yellow, black and silver
- Paintbrush (if you don’t use spray paint)
- Red craft jewels or red buttons
- Scissors
- 2 x Magnets
- Photo (4" x 6")
- White cardboard for license plate
STEP 1: Paint
Paint 6 craft sticks yellow, 1 black and 1 silver. You can use normal paint or spray paint (we used spray paint for this craft). Let them dry completely.
STEP 2: Assemble
Assemble your jumbo craft sticks together to make a school bus. Start by gluing four craft sticks together with Art & Craft White Glue to make a box. Use three yellow painted craft sticks for the top three sides of the box and a silver painted craft stick for the bottom side of the box.
STEP 3: Glue
Now glue one more yellow craft stick at the top of the box and two more yellow craft sticks at the bottom of the box.
STEP 4: Cut
Cut the black craft stick in half and glue them under the bottom of the box for school bus wheels.
STEP 5: Glue
Glue two red craft jewels at the bottom of the school bus for brake lights. Cut to size the licence plate on the white cardboard. Write your message or kid’s name on the license plate and glue this to the bottom of the school bus. Let the school bus photo frame dry completely.
STEP 6: Fit
Once your DIY school bus photo frame is finished drying trim down your photo to fit within the opening of the frame. Add art & craft glue around the back of the frame opening and glue your picture down. Finish your DIY school bus photo frame by adding a couple adhesive magnets on the back of the frame.
Art & Craft White Glue