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Bostik DIY New Zealand news events blogs teacher marcus teaser

Teacher spotlight: Marcus

COVID19 meant teachers were faced with a new challenge – how to control a group of restless students through a screen. We spoke to Marcus to discuss he found this ‘unpreceded time’. Marcus has been t…
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Can you buy Blu Tack® in different colours?

Blu Tack® is also available in a 5 colour pack - pink, green, blue, yellow & orange.
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How much weight can Blu Tack® hold?

0.5 grams of Blu Tack® will hold an approximate 105 gram load, but Blu Tack® is not designed to hold heavy objects.
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Is swallowing Blu Tack® dangerous?

Blu Tack® is a non-toxic, non-harmful substance and will not cause any problems if swallowed, only mild discomfort. If any discomfort experienced continues, we recommend seeking medical advice.
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What age range is Blu Tack® suitable for?

Blu Tack® is great for both children and adults, however we advise not giving it to children under the age of three.
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What surfaces can Blu Tack® stick to?

Blu Tack® can be used on non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal and plastic, as well as painted surfaces and vinyl coated wallpaper.
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When will Blu Tack® stick best?

Surfaces must be clean and dry, and free from grease or loose materials to work best. If a room or surface conditions are too hot (over 70°C), Blu Tack® will soften and become more difficult to…
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Where is best place to store Blu Tack®?

Pop it in a tightly closed container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated location.