Prestik – So much more than just a sticky adhesive.
Prestik is the original rubber based reusable putty adhesive that was invented in 1970 and has been made in South Africa for over 50 years!

We received a lovely email from a Prestik customer sharing his story about his son:
“Jamie amazes us daily. He is on the autistic spectrum and goes to a special needs school. He is 17 years old. He has always loved dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. He has so much knowledge about them too.
From a very young age he started drawing them and one day he took a piece of foil from his lunch box and shaped it into a dinosaur. He has never had any formal training. It is amazing how he has taught himself to create these things.

He would shape anything he could, but ever since he found Prestik that has been his favourite. He likes the texture. His favourite pass time is to take his ball of Prestik and create these awesome models... Then he squashes it and starts a new one.
We have started taking photos of his creations. He can sit and do any animal we ask, even if we ask him to make hybrids (e.g. a frog mixed with a parrot).

Prestik just once again illustrates our philosophy at Bostik of creating smart adhesives for consumers that are multi-functional, easy-to-use for all kinds of creativity and mental stimulation.