Handmade Father's day owl card
The fun thing about this project is that you can let your imagination run wild and make whatever your heart desires. Ready to make a 4D Father’s Day Card of your own? Let’s get started!

STEP 1: Fold, measure and cut
Fold the A4 white cardboard paper in half to form a card. Use an A5 (half of A4) and cut off 1cm all around. Stick the coloured paper on top of the front of white card.
STEP 2: Mix and mould
You can make anything your heart desires! We made two owls sitting in a tree using Bostik Crazy Clay, mixing the colours together using the colour mixing guide inside the box. The brown tree is created by mixing red, black and yellow together. The green leaves are created using a mixture of yellow and blue.
STEP 3: Mould your owls
Mould and shape your owls and set aside to dry.
STEP 4: Mould and dry
Finish off your creation by moulding the heart and the cloud. Once your creation is complete, let the Crazy Clay dry for about 6 hours, depending on the thickness of your shapes and characters.
STEP 5: Glue
Once the Crazy Clay has dried, stick your creation down onto the front of the card using Bostik Paper Glue. Give it a couple of hours to dry properly and write your special Father's Day message inside the card for dad!
Use the colour mixing guide inside the box to create your desired colour and see the back of the brochure for crazy hints & tips!
Crazy Clay