Christmas unicorn baubles
Decorate your Christmas tree with these colourful Unicorn baubles.

What you will need
- Clear baubles
- Glitter
- Sheets of coloured paper or foam paper (200gsm)
- Googly-eyes OR fake eyelashes
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Gut (to hang the baubles from the tree)
STEP 1: Glitter bauble
Cover the inside of the bauble (both sides) with Bostik Paper Glue using a brush or your finger and leave to dry for +-30 mins. Sprinkle the glitter inside both sides to cover the insides completely and leave them seperate until completely dry. Finish the bauble by clipping them back together.
STEP 2: Unicorn horn
Activate a ball of Crazy Clay and divide into 4 equal balls. Roll 2 balls into cylinders with one end thinner than the other. Twist the 2 cylinders together starting with the thin ends first. Complete the twist and set aside to dry for +-2 hours or until fully dry.
STEP 3: Roses
Choose the clay colours you would like to use for your roses. Roll each colour into a cylinder. Press them flat with your finger but flatten one side more than the other. Now roll it up to form a rose shape and shape the stem to the back. Set aside to dry.
STEP 4: Unicorn ears
Cut out the ear stencils from the template. Trace the inner and outer ear on different colour paper. Using Bostik Fine 'n Wide, add glue to where you want to decorate the ears with glitter. Sprinkle glitter over glue part and then glue the inner ear to the outer ear and leave to dry.
STEP 5: Assemble
Now it's time for the fun part - assembling your Christmas Unicorn Bauble! Use Bostik Clear Gel Adhesive to stick all the elements onto the bauble. Leave to dry overnight and use the gut to hang the bauble from you tree.
Clear Gel Adhesive