Bostik snake

Use Fine & Wide and coloured paper to make a snake.


Step 1: Prep the surface

Find a clean surface to work on. Make sure you have everything you need.

Step 2: Cut strips

Rule lines 3cm apart on the paper. Cut along the lines. Using the Fine and Wide glue, stick the strips together to create two long thin strips. (Strips not to scale in photo. Illustrative purposes only).


You can make the strips any length you want, so long as they are the same. You can also use any colours you like – why not make it a rainbow snake!

Step 3: Glue together

Glue the end of one strip to the end of the other at a 90˚ angle using the Glu Tape. Fold the bottom strip over the top at a 90˚ angle and crease. Repeat until you run out of paper. On the last fold, use the Glu Tape to stick the ends together.

Step 4: Make the face

Cut out a 5cm wide head for the snake – any shape you like is perfect. Now cut out a forked tongue. Using the Fine and Wide glue, stick the forked tongue to the underside bottom of the head. Then glue the googly eyes into place. Draw on some nostrils with the marker.

Step 5: Stick together

To finish, glue the head onto the end of the folded paper accordion. All done... and don’t worry, it won’t bite!

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