
45 new results
Bostik DIY Malaysia how remove super glue clothes teaser image

How to remove super glue from clothes

Super glue is the hero of small repair jobs, but if you accidentally get it on your clothes or other fabrics, it can be hard to remove. Just follow our step-by-step guide to remove super glue from cl…
Bostik DIY Malaysia how to use inspired Glue Gun teaser

Be inspired by our craft and DIY glue gun ideas

Every home should have a glue gun for crafts, hobbies and minor household repairs. Discover what the Bostik Handy Hot Melt Glue Gun could do for you… 
Bostik DIY Malaysia how to repair hard plastic teaser image

How to repair hard plastic with glue

When you’re faced with a hard plastic object that is broken, it’s time to think ‘don’t bin it, fix it!’. Here’s how to experience the satisfaction of becoming a #repairhero…
Bostik DIY Malaysia how remove super glue skin teaser image

How to remove super glue from skin

Super glue is a fast-bonding and strong repair adhesive, but if you get the glue on your fingers, it can be hard to get it off. Just follow our step-by-step guide to remove super glue from skin.
Bostik DIY Malaysia tutorial decorate with blu tack teaser

How to do decorations with Blu Tack

Let us inspire you with quick and effective decorations made with Blu Tack ®!