
Embark on an adventure of exploration with our DIY Binoculars project! This tutorial will guide you through creating a fun and functional pair of binoculars using Bostik’s reliable adhesives and simple materials. Perfect for imaginative play, this project offers a hands-on way to enhance observation skills and spark curiosity. Follow our step-by-step instructions to construct and decorate your own binoculars, customising them with colors and designs that reflect your personality. 


Step 1: Gather your supplies

Find a clean surface to work on, and gather everything you need.

Step 2: Cover with paper

Use Blu Stik to cover the toilet rolls with coloured paper.

Step 3: Decorate

Attach coloured feathers using Bostik Glu Tape.

Step 4: Stick rolls together

Glue toilet rolls together using Glu Tape. Run the tape through the centre of each roll, then push together to stick.

Step 5: Secure

Make holes at the edge of your binoculars to create ear holders. Insert pipe cleaner through the hole and twist at the ends to close. Use the loops to secure over your ears.

Step 6: Time to play!

Start an alphabet scavenger hunt by looking for items inside and outside that start with your chosen letter.

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